Altenew’s March Challenge part 1

Wow, what a month it has been. I hope this finds you well and healthy. Please, please practice social distancing and wash your hands! I was in Michigan to celebrate my sister’s 80th birthday for the last two weeks of February. Things were just starting to be a concern. I even flew with a face mask, but I guess it really wouldn’t have protected me any way. No social distancing then. I was home for a few days then on March 3 I went on a 6 day silent meditation retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. Somethings were being cancelled then and I was afraid that my retreat was going to be one of them, but it wasn’t. But on Sunday, the last day of retreat, at lunch when we could talk, I heard that the state of Virginia had declared a state of emergency. WHAT? After not having any contact with the outside world for 6 days, what happened? It wasn’t very long after I got home that IMS closed and cancelled all retreats until further notice. Now that we’re at then end of March I feel I’m in some kind of horror film. And unfortunately things will get much worse before they get better.

However let’s find ways to stay busy, and happy as we stay close to home. I’ve had to opportunity to attend two meditation classes via Zoom. It’s great to be able to see everybody, or at least see the instructor. My family and I stay in touch with FaceTime but that’s because we all have iPhones and iPads.

I’ve been busy making cards including some thank you cards that I sent out to our local police, fire, electric company and post office. They all have to go to work and risk getting the infection from the public. If I knew any health care workers I’d probably send them a card too.

Here is the inspiration for Altenew’s March challenge. And as usual I’ve made a few cards. If you want to join for this month, better hurry because it ends tomorrow, but here’s the link.

Here’s my first card. I liked the wide stripes used in the inspiration image, although mine isn’t as bright.


  1. Virginia Lu

    April 8, 2020 at 11:05 pm

    Love how you used muted tone and colors! Good to hear that you are safe and way to go on sending cards to our local hero! So glad that you join the fun over Altenew March Inspiration Challenge! WONDERFUL!

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